Planning + Zoning
Franklin County is a beautiful place to call home. Numerous vacant buildings, drainage issues, zoning blunders, and more hold our county back. I support:
Businesses infill existing vacant buildings and lots
Reduced sprawl, as roads and sewers are some of our highest cost infrastructure - both immediately and long term
Responsive, clear and consistent processes to help businesses and homeowners
Sustainable and responsible growth protects our most beautiful assets, while allowing growth and creating a more fiscally and environmentally responsible community now and in the future. More details below.
Highlighting our sense of place will support our residents and attract new families.
Franklin County has a great Parks system, with over 1,100 acres in city and county. I support funding for maintenance, improvements, and for all ages to have recreational opportunities. We are currently working on master plan and feasibility study for Lakeview Park, which will equate to improved quality of life and economic development to sustain it.
We need to promote our diverse natural resources for recreation, including the Kentucky River, Elkhorn Creek, and biking and hiking trails.
Advertise our central location to nationally recognized outdoor recreation.
Promote public art to make our community aesthetically and culturally better, as well as unique.
Sense of Place
Using Smart Growth and Strong Towns principles, development will sustain a thriving community for generations to come and boost the economy and tourism.
The Fiscal Court is currently working on a new comprehensive study plan and rewriting ordinances to ensure a balanced and well planned community.
Focusing on infill development of vacant lots and buildings will allow a more efficient use of county dollars and make our town more sustainable.
The County needs a more business friendly community with a straight forward, consistent, and transparent permitting and building process.
We need a variety of housing options available.
Regarding Peaks Mill, Duncan Road, or any specific projects:
Rick Sparks, County Attorney has warned Fiscal Court not to discuss specific issues due to Ex parte communication. Ex parte communication definition: any oral or written communication relevant to the merits of an adjudicatory proceeding that was neither on the record nor on reasonable prior notice to all parties that take place between an interested person outside the Board and the administrative law judge handling the proceeding, a member of the Board or a decisional employee.
Using Smart Growth and Strong Towns principles, development and care of our infrastructure will sustain a healthy community for generations to come.
Working with County and State Road Departments to come up with a short and long term plan of projects and communicate them to our community.
Working with local law enforcement and the road departments to address traffic issues such as cut-throughs, speeding, and other resident concerns. I've worked with Sheriff's Department to address this issue in multiple neighborhoods.
We need to reduce the need for further infrastructure costs that our community can't afford in the long term by encouraging infill development and using Strong Town and Smart Growth principles.
Drainage is a big issue in several precincts. Development plans for drainage should be more effective and sustainable with proper design.
Sidewalks and walkability are necessary in all parts of Franklin County. Connectivity to parks is also critical for quality of life, safety, and economic development.